Image from Carl Jung's Red Book


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Monday, May 24, 2010

You know
What you need.
Maybe that knowing sits
Right there on the tip of your tongue
Waiting to leap out loud
To someone who will smile.

Maybe it is sleeping,
In a safe corner of your heart
Where it crept
back when things got really crazy.

It is dancing inside your bones--
the aches and pains of not moving enough--
The hurt you have to listen to.

You know what you need.


  1. Beautiful poem Emjay! I think most of the times I have ever felt discord it was because I forgot that I DO know what I need. I had just forgot that I already knew and know what I need, like falling asleep. Remembering this now and always shifts me into a deeper relationship with myself; from demanding to caring, from fear to harmony, from confusion to trust.
    Lately, releasing self doubt has been one of the core daily actions for me. And I ask myself again what is it I really want? And there is an answer or there is silence, and both are okay.

  2. Very well put Clyde. Both are ok. Which is fortunate, since I get a lot of silence and only a few answers! Thanks for the feedback and encouragement.
