Image from Carl Jung's Red Book


Feel free to read, comment, question, dialogue, muse, opine, wonder, teach, learn, joke, poke fun, lighten up, or get down and get serious about what you find here.

Monday, May 24, 2010

You know
What you need.
Maybe that knowing sits
Right there on the tip of your tongue
Waiting to leap out loud
To someone who will smile.

Maybe it is sleeping,
In a safe corner of your heart
Where it crept
back when things got really crazy.

It is dancing inside your bones--
the aches and pains of not moving enough--
The hurt you have to listen to.

You know what you need.

Monday, May 3, 2010

The Antidote to Answers

I am ready to give up
the galloping
desire to know.
The drive to find
the right answer
to whatever
or confuses the mind.

This horse has ridden me long
and I must dismount,
to the ground of my being,
rest in the soft loam of my uncertainty
and, like Rilke,
learn to love the questions themselves.